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Lust is never satisfied and you quickly lose interest in your partner after thinking what you felt initially would last a lifetime.
Inspired by Times of India, here are some top signs that you are in lust and not in love:
1. You and your partner never have heart to heart conversations.
2. You’ve never really known what it’s like to be friends with your partner.
3. Having sex with your partner is all you do and think about.
4. You love your partner’s status and not their inner self.
5. You are obsessed with owning your partner.
6. You only care about what you can get out of the relationship and are insensitive to your partner’s actual needs and wants.
7. You are in love with their outward look.
8. You fantasize more on what your ideal relationships should be like rather than what it is.
9. You get angry when they don’t focus all their attention on you.

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