There are no words to explain how barbaric and evil this is.

A sickening photo has emerged social media showing a toddler kicking the severed head of a dead soldier in Syria.

The toddler’s father is believed to be an avid Islamic State supporter and is wearing a camouflage military style baseball cap on his head.

The father can be seen smiling with delight in the photo as he watches his innocent child kick the severed head.

Leaning over, the bearded man, wearing a short white thoub, appears to be helping his young child to raise their small leg and kick the rotting head of the dead body.

At least one person, wearing three quarter length jeans can be seen watching the horrific scene.

The severed head, which is too gruesome to show in full detail, appears to be several days old.

It appears to be the head of a dead prisoner, although it is hard to distinguish his features due to the heavy decomposition of the face.

The face has also suffered a deep wound, suggesting the victim had been militated with a knife.

The horrific photo comes just hours after ‘Raqqa is being Slaughtered silently’, a Syrian activist group based in the ISIS stronghold posted photos of the latest barbaric execution carried out by ISIS.

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