The father of a 14-year-old female rape victim had on Friday, October 31, 2014, invited his daughter’s 45-year old rapist and a father of six girls to dinner and subsequently burnt his genitals with tongs and then strangled him to death in Northeast Delhi’s Khajuri Khas area .

After the attack, the furious 36 year old father allegedly turned himself in to the police and gave them a detailed account on how he had tied the rapist to a chair and tortured him until he died. In his statement, the man told police that two months ago, while he was away at his shop in the area, the medicine supplier had come calling at his house. On finding the minor girl alone at home, he allegedly raped her. He threatened the girl with dire consequences if she spoke about the incident to anyone, Indian Express reports.

According to the victim’s father during police interrogation, he had called the rapist to know the reason for his actions and instead of showing remorse, he started using offensive language which angered the furious father the more and prompted him to torture him until he died. The officer said, “The father called the medicine supplier over to his house saying he wanted to discuss some issue. He served him dinner. After the meal, the father overpowered the man and tied him to a chair. He got heated tongs and burned the supplier’s genitals before strangling him to death. He came to the police station and surrendered himself.” 

Meanwhile a day after the rapist was tortured to death, the victim’s father told police that the murder was unintentional adding that he coulndt stand seeing his 14-year-old pregnant after being raped. He said, “I burned his genitals once, he screamed. I did it again, he shuddered. When I did it the third time..he did not move. He was dead…I did not want to kill him.”

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