In case you were living under a rock on November 12, 2014,
you missed the headline that humans successfully landed a
spacecraft on a rocket. Oh, and you also missed Kim
Kardashian’s attempt to break the internet with her greased up
rear end.

The Compromizing Video star turned reality show celebrity took to her
Instagram and Twitter to campaign for herself with a marketing
ploy called #breaktheinternet, in which she bared all, literally,
in a provocatively photoshopped and oiled down photo spread
for Paper magazine.

Not surprisingly, the internet did not break. But plenty of
people did react. Some responses were positive, while most
were confused, amused, horrified or flat out disgusted. Here are
13 responses celebrities had to Kardashian Buttgate.

Whitney Cummings
Similarly to the previously mentioned Sarah Silverman, funny
gal Whitney Cummings expressed what undoubtedly many
people around the internet were thinking when she said, “I
can’t wait for Kim Kardashian to get old.” Then again, we can’t
help but wonder if that will really make a difference.

Kris Jenner
Most moms would be probably be appalled (to say the least) by
such a photo spread. But like for many other things, it is not the
case for the Kardashian family. Kim’s “Momager”, Kris
Jenner took to Twitter to express her excitement and pride for
her daughter’s decision to bare it all. Jenner wrote, “Looks like
someone’s gonna #BreakTheInternet @kimkardashian!!!”

1. Chelsea Handler
Chelsea Handler might have broken the internet, even more so
than Kim Kardashian tried to do when she posted a side-by-
side photo of her own rear end next to Kardashian’s photo on
Instagram. The photo comes at a time after Instagram recently
deleted a Coverless image of the comedian, saying that she broke
the “Terms of Service” by posting Unclothedness. Handler wrote on
this image, “Can you believe more than two a*ses can fit on
one screen? guess which one’s real. your move, Instagram.”

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