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According to Mirror Online,a man who changed his signature to a drawing of a p,enis “for a laugh” has lost a five-year battle with Australian authorities for it to be recognized.144Jared Hyams scrawled the eyebrow-raising moniker at the bottom of a form for the Australian Electoral Commission as a joke.
But he had no idea it would land him in a five-year legal battle with various authorities to accept it as a signature. He said:
“I thought it would be a laugh; they would approve it and next year I would sign something different. “But when I did this signature all of a sudden the shit hit the fan. I was receiving letters and phone calls telling me I couldn’t have it. I thought, that’s interesting, why not?”
So the 33-year-old Melbourne man did what anyone would do – he signed up to study for a law degree, determined to take on the Australian government.1444He ‘adopted’ the phallic symbol as his own signature and used it to successfully applied for an license to drive in Victoria, a government proof of age card, a health care card and various student cards.144The joker even opened a bank account bearing his newfound tag.14444But some agencies didn’t share his sense of humor – VicRoads, who process licenses for drivers, initially rejected his signature.
Jared fought his case twice, but both times were thrown out by a magistrate. The scrawl only appear on his license when it ‘slipped through the net’.
The Department of Trade and Foreign Affairs refused him a passport bearing the symbol and warned it “could constitute s’exual harassment” of staff.144444And the Department of Justice rejected his application for a Working With Children criminal check – but Jared admitted he has “sensitivity” to their decision.
So far, Jared has had no luck in using the scribbled penis to change his address on the electoral roll – even after taking on the lengthy battle himself.
He maintains he’ll continue to fight the authorities until they no longer object to his signature.
Meanwhile, the Electoral Commission announced they would be including their victory in the “rather novel” case in their annual report

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