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Turkey shot down a Russian Sukhoi Su-24 military plane near its border with Syria on Tuesday, according to reports.
Russia's defense ministry said the plane stayed exclusively within Syrian airspace, according to Russian news agency TASS. Turkey says it warned the Russian plane several times before Turkish F-16s shot it down, according to the Associated Press.
The two pilots reportedly ejected from the plane and their fate is unclear.
Footage from Turkey's Anadolu Agency reportedly showed a pilot parachuting out of the aircraft as it falls.
Russia began air strikes in Syriain late September. Though Moscow said it was targeting Islamic State (IS) extremists, there have been widespread reports that the strikes seem to target areas controlled by more moderate rebel groups fighting against the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad — a Russian ally in the Middle East.
Turkey, a member of NATO, shot down an unidentified drone that had violated its airspace at the border with Syria in October. It had complained about Russian warplanes violating its airspace earlier in the month.
Source: Mashable

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