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This man is power drunk!…Kim Jong-Un has disciplined his right-hand man who dared to defy him, according to reports.
North Korea’s dictator has sent Choe Ryong Hae (pictured with Kim), a popular member of his inner-circle, for “re-education”.
It is understood that Choe Ryong Hae may have defied Kim Jong-Un, who over the past 18 months has brutally executed many of his high-ranking military and political chiefs.
Those sent for “re-education” are usually subjected to brutal psychological torture. Speaking to CNN, Victor Cha, from the Centre for Strategic and International studies, said:
“It’s not a country club, it is almost certainly a very grueling process where there is both mental and physical abuse.”
And Choe Ryong Hae’s exile has now been confirmed by South Korean intelligence officals.”Choe Ryong-hae is receiving education at Kim Il-Sung Higher Party School,” an official told Yonhap news agency.e5

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