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Abnormally Large Animals That Actually Really exist
These animals are the subject of myths and legends. For thousands of years, writers and philosophers have immortalized these animals in the history books.
The existence of these animals have always been speculated, but thanks to the internet and the concept of going viral, people can confirm these animals are real.
Even with exposure to the Internet, people will speculate that the photos have been edited or that the videos have been enhanced with CGI. Of course verifying the existence of these animals can be solved with a simple visit or researching the local newspaper archives. In this video are some of the most abnormally large animals that have been verified to be real. Cryptozoology has often informed us of animals that we cannot verify as being actually real, but mainstream news has at least made the following animals real and available to us all.
First, we have Zeus, who was known as the tallest dog. Dogs can grow to fairly large sizes, but this particular dog literally stands above all of the rest. Zeus was a Great Dane who weighed about 155 pounds and stood about 44 inches tall. On an average day, Zeus would eat about 12 cups of food per day. Unfortunately, he didn’t live to see his 6th birthday, and his life span was much shorter than the average Great Dane.

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