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Further proof (as if we needed any) that the jihad knows no border, no countries, no race …. it’s all about the faith. Period.
“Britain on RED ALERT: UK jihadis HELPED make suicide vests worn by Paris attackers,” Express, November 23, 2015
INTELLIGENCE chiefs fear that British jihadis helped make the suicide vests worn by the Paris attackers and could be plotting a similar outrage in the UK.
MI5 has intercepted internet “chatter” between the terrorists who brought carnage to the French capital, British militants and Islamic State commanders in Syria.
They suspect the explosive vests, loaded with hundreds of ball bearings and described by French authorities as the most sophisticated they have seen, were constructed using UK technical know-how.
Details of the British links come as concerns grow that sleeper cells are already in place here and it is a case of when, not if, they strike.
All Army and police bomb disposal teams in the UK have been placed on high alert as a result.
The Army Reserve, formally the Territorial Army, is also on standby to help police, while the royal family have been warned to travel in bulletproof cars while security has been bolstered at ports.
British spies believe Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the Belgian mastermind behind the Paris attacks who was killed by police last week, worked closely with terrorists from London, Birmingham and Bradford while in Syria.
S militants from the UK are thought to have had a hand in either making the explosive vests or supplying plans on how to do so to European terror cells.
The vests worn by the seven Paris attackers were packed tightly with ball bearings of various sizes and were designed to “maim and shred” anyone within 30 yards of the blast.
A senior intelligence source said that terrorists appeared to be using an active service unit model to attack. They are self-contained and restrict communications to an absolute minimum while choosing their own targets.
The senior source said last night: “There is now a real expectation that the UK will be hit by terrorists. We know it’s coming. It may not be on the same scale as the attack in France but we will be attacked.
“There are simply too many extremists in this country who want to attack the State. They want to kill British people. Right now they are making their own bombs and they are trying to obtain automatic weapons.
“They have been trained in Pakistan, Iraq and Syria and they are very dangerous and very determined.
isis vest
he security service will be able to stop some, possibly most, but they can’t stop them all.”
Eavesdroppers at GCHQ, Britain’s covert listening agency, discovered a “spike” in UK internet chatter during and immediately after the massacre in France.
They are now sifting through months of covert communications to see if the Paris gang had met with any British terror suspects over the last three years.
Police are investigating whether Londoner Aine Davis, who was arrested in Istanbul, had been in contact with those responsible for the slaughter of 130 people in Paris.
The worry is that sleeper cells, like the ones that struck in London on July 7, 2005, are hiding in the UK and awaiting orders from Syria to hit targets here.
Around 450 Britons have returned home from the Middle East and IS has ordered jihadis in this country to no longer risk travelling abroad but to stay put.
According to another well-placed intelligence source the Paris attacks took months of planning.

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