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ISIS Show Off Bomb App
ISIS Show Off Bomb App%2B%25281%2529
ISIS terrorists have released a sickening video of the execution of two men using explosives detonated by a mobile phone.
Two men are forced to kneel by the bomb, which is then detonated by the sadistic militants in Syria.
Chillingly, they forced another captive to watch the entire hateful episode.
Militants often use mobile phones as remote detonators for bombs.
The two men executed in the ISIS Damascus Province video stated that they were part of the Sham al-Rasoul Brigade, one of a number of Syrian rebel groups fighting Islamic State.
The disgusting video of the latest shocking execution was proudly released by the terror group's propaganda team.
Other vile ISIS execution methods include suspending captives over a roaring fire, forcing prisoners into a car and shooting it with a rocket launcher, drowning them in a cage suspended over a swimming pool and putting explosive collars around victims' necks.

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