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Brave Muslims put up a fight against terror in their own way by defying a terror group's order and shielding Christians who were about to be massacred.
The attack is believed to have been launched by al-Shabab fighters (AP Image)
Brave Muslims defied terror group's order by refusing to divide into groups. The terror group believed to belong to Al-Shabab had wanted to divide the passengers in the a bus between Christians and Muslims before going on to kill the Christians but were met with severe opposition from the Muslims in the bus.
If not for the brave act, many of the Christians would have lost their lives. The incident happened in Kenya.
Deputy county commissioner Julius Otieno said: ‘They were trying to identify who were Christians and who were not. They told the non-Christians to return to the vehicle.' 
Mandera Governor Ali Roba said: ‘The locals showed a sense of patriotism and belonging to each other by insisting that the al-Shabab should kill them together or leave them alone.’
‘This forced the militants to leave in a hurry fearing retaliation by residents from nearby villages.’ 
Kenyan regional co-ordinator Mohamud Saleh said three people were also injured in the dawn attacks by gunmen believed to be part of Somalia’s al-Shabab militant group. He said the gunmen shot at a bus killing one passenger and injuring three others. The rebels then shot at a truck following the bus and killed one passenger.
He said both drivers kept going after the shootings, preventing further loss of life and injury. 
Kenya has experienced a wave of retaliatory attacks by al-Shabab, which is linked to al-Qaida, since it sent troops to Somalia to fight the extremists in 2011. 

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