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Are you ready to experiment? Just a little bit?
I want to introduce you to a TOOL. One, whose results are truly amazing and 100% natural. Instant? Yes, that, too. A TOOL that creates radiance and self-esteem in you.
Let’s imagine…
You are walking into the supermarket and you find everything just fine and then you see a guy and something in your body and soul, something inexplicable, finds this guy who is now testing peaches, just so fine!
So fine in fact that a switch in your brain must have been flipped and you find yourself stifled.
Awkward! Annoying!
Oh, just rush away and forget about it!
Yet, you are already lured and want to get noticed.
And in order to get noticed, but also to make yourself feel better, you are placing a ‘beautiful’ smile on your face… but that smile feels crooked. It does not feel enchanting, that’s for sure (rather as if you had just returned from the dentist and your mouth feels numb, you can’t really be sure if you are smiling or drooling, or have any other shabby expression one could imagine).
(Let me mention here: many, many of us have been there, and I feel with you and all of us!)
You start feeling low. Your heart is sinking, mostly you feel angry at yourself.
How can this be?
You could just walk away, flee into the cookie and pasta aisle. And… you could also try this super simple tool called ‘Oak Tree’.
Yes, you plant yourself a tree! In fact you are turning into a tree, in your imagination.
This TOOL will help you feel grounded, quiet and calm. You will feel the ‘cozy little nest’ inside yourself, a place to retreat when comfort is needed.
The ‘Oak Tree’ Tool
    • So – please stand still for a moment, one foot slightly back for steadiness. (Good! Now, lean back, a little bit… Beautiful!)
    • Take a deep breath and imagine a tree-trunk growing up your spine. First it’s slim, and smooth. Some branches popping up to either side, little green buds are sprouting, more twigs are forming.
    • The trunk gets stronger and thicker, knobbier. Up your spine it grows and out, above your head.
    • Can you hear the young leafs rustle? Can you smell the new green? So fresh.
    • The trunk’s bark feels a little rough on your spine but it also lifts and straightens your whole body. (You are unfolding!).
    • Now you feel the trunk grow deep into the earth, through your feet, drilling deep into the soil for good nourishment. (The soil releases an earthy scent.) The roots grow deeper and deeper till they reach the center of the earth where they connect and anchor.
    • You cannot fall over, you can sway, but you are forever bound to the center of the earth.
  • Try to sway a little bit, feel how you cannot topple?! You are too straight, too strong to fall.
Whenever I use this tool (Yes, I do use it often… ) I notice several things:
    • I forgot about the man, who unbeknownst caused a chemical fall-out in my system.
    • I personally have to smile, thinking of bark and leaves growing out of my hair. (It feels ticklish and I sometimes imagine animals play in my branches… ). I do feel a bit goofy, but in a good way (ready for fun and playful mischief?).
    • The tension has vanished.
    • I feel free again and not dangling on someone’s hook.
  • I feel in possession of myself and strong enough to proceed with whichever direction I feel best.
Please try this TOOL, whenever you can and you will see, how, focused on yourself, your confidence returns and you will radiate the beautiful feminine vibe, that men feel so attracted to.

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