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The 6 Alien Species Currently Fighting for Control Over Earth
#1 The Sirians
Hailing from the Sirius B star system, the Sirians are as advanced as they are ancient. Throughout history, they have imparted their knowledge to human civilizations of their choosing. They gifted the ancient Egyptians with medical and astronomical information and the great pyramids and temples are said to have been built with their help.
The Mayans also had a special relationship with the Sirians, who shared information with this enigmatic South American civilization. The extraterrestrial originating from Sirius B are believed to have played a part in the disappearance of the Maya, but not before ensuring they left behind amazing artifacts such as the crystal skulls.
Another earthly civilization that benefited from the Sirian presence were the Atlanteans; it is believed that during the cataclysmic event that sunk Atlantis, the Sirians were instrumental in leading the rescue operations. Other civilizations have been influenced by the Sirians, the most notable case being that of the Dogon tribe of West Africa.
Although they were more involved during our planet’s past, nowadays the Sirians play a more subtle part: technology exchange programs. They are often mentioned in connection with covert or exotic weapons research as well as time travel experimentation.
#2 The Short Grays
Also known as the Zeta Reticulums, the Grays are some of the most well-known aliens and commonly depicted throughout alien pop culture. They are the authors of most alien abductions.
According to most descriptions, they stand 3 to 5 feet tall, have bulbous heads and over-sized black eyes. Although they possess a mouth, they seldom speak, as most communication is carried out telepathically. The short Grays are said to be a genetically-engineered worker race that are controlled by their superiors, the Tall Grays. Their telepathic abilities allow them to constitute a type of hive mind consciousness.
Being genetically-designed to carried out scientific missions, the short Grays are emotionless and cruel. They are also responsible for creating a human-gray hybrid race.

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