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So You Don’t Exercise? You Are Just as Bad as a Smoker!!

So you believe smoking is bad. You grin when you see someone smoke around you and you wonder why they still do so in the face of several evidences that establish the many health risks regular smokers face. What about lack of exercise? Do you equally show such disdain for people who hardly exercise? Or are you also a culprit yourself of physical inactivity?

Extensive studies have shown that a lack of exercise is as bad as smoking. Of course, smokers are at a high risk of threatening health conditions such as COPD, several types of cancers, heart disease, ulcer and a host of others. Individuals who hardly exercise are likewise faced with several potential health risks such as hypertension, diabetes, stroke, heart disease, obesity, high cholesterol levels and several other life threatening conditions.

Unlike smoking, lack of exercise gives more worrying figures such as the one that shows that 80% of us do not get enough exercise. Considering the many health benefits of exercising, you may begin to wonder why so little people engage in it; or we are just too busy with our daily activities that we don’t have time to do something that promises to keep us alive longer – to be available to do even more work. What an irony of life!

Exercise helps you have a better heart reducing the risk of heart disease. It can help in reducing your blood pressure; keeps stroke at bay; improves your blood sugar and cholesterol levels; helps you lose weight and keep fit. The sum total of all these is a better, healthier and longer life.

Many actually do not understand what healthy exercise is and they therefore, avoid it thinking they will need to go to the gym or get a trainer. Exercising is so simple that you can start where you are. Taking a 20 minutes’ walk every day is a very good physical activity. Doing this consistently delivers to you all the benefits that come with exercise. Of course, you can do more – especially for those that want to lose weight or build their muscles – but this should be the benchmark. You can also consider doing more activities at home. Don’t be too lazy looking for someone to do everything for you while you sit and watch TV. Moving your muscles more and more should be your goal as this is the area where the secret lies. The more you move your muscles, the healthier you are.

One of the major risk factors for many debilitating health conditions is Sedentary Lifestyle. This is a situation where you hardly use your muscles. Most people move from their homes to their cars, then to their office, back to their cars, then back home and then to bed. With advancing technology, we are becoming more and more highly dependent on systems and automated processes to do things for us. This is one of the reasons while there is an increase in the incidence of several lifestyle diseases. It is, therefore, important that you constantly have a consistent plan to exercise regularly no matter how busy you think you are.

When next you see someone lacking in exercise, show as much disdain as you would a smoker; and if you are the culprit, know you are just as bad.

Photo Credit: factslides.com     

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