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Former President Jimmy Carter, the man who held the title of “worst president in history” until Barack Obama stole his crown, seems dedicated to proving that he’s both a traitor to the country and completely devoid of intelligence.
Carter has made waves in the media recently for throwing his whole support behind Hamas in an opinion piece he helped pen.
The lunacy doesn’t end there, as Carter has also asked for Americans and people around the world to join him in his celebration and support of radical terrorists, who are likely at this moment busy chopping someone’s head off in Iraq.
Former President Carter was also a key speaker at a conference hosted by the Islamic Society of North America, where he once again opened his mouth and allowed something ridiculous to slip out.
According to Young Conservatives, Carter, the “Defender of Islam,” stated that the “principles of Allah,” are the key to securing peace in the Middle East.
Since those principles put in practice have worked so well thus far, right?
The very “principles” he hails as being the way to end all of the conflict and bloodshed are teachings from the Koran that actually call for the war and fighting to begin with.
“Book 001, Number 0030:
It is reported on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah said: I have been commanded to fight against people so long as they do not declare that there is no god but Allah, and he who professed it was guaranteed the protection of his property and life on my behalf except for the right affairs rest with Allah.”
Sadly, there are people in liberal circles who actually take what Carter says seriously, which is a testament in and of itself that America is in serious trouble.
Hopefully, if the media ever starts to do its job, the world will continue to see the evil works of radical Islam exposed and will take a stand against it and its defenders in order to make sure that the country is kept safe.
Click here to see evidence for why radical Islam should be considered pure evil.
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