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NasaTHE EARTH will be plunged into darkness for fifteen days? Heard that one before…
The latest outing of the Internet’s second favourite hoax (top spot goes to that ol’ Facebook-is-becoming-a-paid-site chestnut) has got the general public in a right tizz.
The theory is that Earth will be trapped in nighttime – and not only will it be terrifying, but it also heralds the start of Armageddon.
Those of a nervous disposition are currently spreading the ‘news’ around social media – with increasing hysteria.
At least it gives the PR people over at NASA something to do.
They’ve now issued a formal denial that our ‘leccy bills are about to go through the roof.
But if it’s not the words of a Nasa boffin getting the web riled up. So how did the rumour start — and if it DID happen, what would it all mean?

It’s nothing new

Grab your calendars... then again
Grab your calendars… then again Getty Images
THE PLANET plunging in to darkness has previously been scheduled to take place in 2014 (December 21 and 16-22 inclusive) and in 2012, when End Of The World fears were at an all-time high.
Missed the hysteria first time round?
Latest dates getting hawked around promise that there will be four days of darkness from August 24th.
And failing that, there’s another dark patch coming from November 15 until November 30.

Here comes the science part

Will a solar storm plunge the planet in to darkness?
Will a solar storm plunge the planet in to darkness? Getty Images
LAST year, Huzlers.com rehashed the rumour, blaming a freak astrological event called a “solar storm”.
They crowed: “A solar storm will cause dust and space debris to become plentiful and thus, block 90 per cent of sunlight.”
However this August’s dark spell is going to be down to a “galactic eclipse”.
In 2011, it was predicted that September would be a dark day as Comet Elenin passed through our orbit.
It’s worth noting many people believed Elenin itself was a spaceship. Er, righto.

Actually the BIBLE started this

Where it all began
Where it all began Getty Images

REGULAR readers of The Good Book will have been on tenterhooks for the Earth being plunged into total darkness for years — it’s touted in the Bible as being a symbol of the end of times.
One of the most popular verses comes courtesy of the book of Zephaniah.
It reads: “A day of wrath is that day, a day of distress and anguish, a day of ruin and devastation, a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and thick darkness.”
Meanwhile, web theologists (people who REALLY love being scared) claim that the three days is actually a euphemism for FIVE MONTHS.
Let’s hope they’re wrong… apparently we can expect the dead to walk the Earth, locusts, war, and a third of humanity to die horribly.

Padre Pio

Padre Pio's writings have terrified Christians for decades
Padre Pio’s writings have terrified Christians for decades Associated Press
ITALIAN priest Padre Pio — or Pio of Petrelcina — spoke vividly of the Earth being plunged into darkness.
The clergyman was sainted in 2002 after suffering stigmata most of his adult life, and experiencing countless religious visions.
He wrote down his encounters with Jesus, which make for scary reading.
Speaking of the end of the world, he writes: “Hurricanes of fire will pour forth from the clouds and spread over the entire earth.”
Storms, bad weather, thunderbolts and earthquakes will supposedly cover the earth for two days.
“An uninterrupted rain of fire will take place.”
He also warns: “Do not look during the earthquake, because the anger of God is holy!”
It makes you scared to open your curtains in the morning.

Doomsday bingo

What buzzword will turn up on doomsday bingo next?
What buzzword will turn up on doomsday bingo next? Getty Images
IT’s not just God and the sun being blamed for the Earth’s potential blackout – other explanations include “the planet passing through a Photon Belt”, humans being put into stasis to keep them from witnessing an intergalactic war and general Illuminati skullduggery.

Something else worth bearing in mind…

NASA's people have to deny the darkness hoax a couple of times a year
NASA’s people have to deny the darkness hoax a couple of times a year Getty Images
NASA can’t predict solar storms in advance.
So even if there was going to be three days of darkness, we probably wouldn’t know about it — until it was too late!
Good luck out there, folks.

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