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An 11-year-old boy has been photographed showing off his gymnastic skills against the bleak, rubble- strewn backdrop of Gaza, in a stunning series of images. 

The boy, Mohammed El-Sheikh, makes an unusual sight in the shattered coastal strip, which has been flattened by years of economic blockages and war. 

His sombre expression is at odds with the bright blue and red of his Spider-Man costume, which stands out amid the grey rubble. 

He performs a series of stretches, splits and handstands among the broken staircases, crumbled walls and twisted metal girders that were once family homes and offices. 

As can be seen in the photographs, Gaza is now a brutal and unforgiving wasteland for a young boy to call home. 

The Palestinian territory has the highest unemployment rate in the world, at 43 per cent; half of the population depends on food aid to survive; and some 95 per cent of the water supply is not safe to drink. 

Israel and Egypt have maintained a blockade of Gaza since the Islamic militant group Hamas took control of the territory in 2007. 

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