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Erika Roe Was the public school girl who lifted her top - and men's hearts - at Twickenham 33 years ago. Now a haunting tragedy has inspired her to do it again, wrinkles and all.
Famous: The scene of Erika running across the pitch in front of 60,000 fans at Twickenham during a rugby match between England and Australia in 1982 is etched in many people's memory
On that fateful day, January 2, spirits were high. England were winning against Oz, the sun was shining, Erika and her friends had enjoyed perhaps a tad too much alcohol, and all was right with the world.

Where was her brain, though, when she — a seemingly unassuming 24-year-old who worked in a bookshop (‘and was absolutely not an exhibitionist,’ she insists now, in all seriousness) — decided to strip off her top and run across the pitch wearing only a pair of jeans. Had she taken leave of her senses?

 ‘Do you know, I still can’t explain what happened. It was very unlike me — although I’ve always been comfortable with nudity at home, I’d been the last person on the beach in France to take off her top.

But on that day, it was a case of just being swept up in the atmosphere, which was electric. At half-time, someone said “isn’t this where someone is supposed to streak on the pitch?” and that was it — I just went. I ripped my top off, then my bra.

‘It’s still a bit of a blur. I don’t even know where I left my clothes. The fact that I still had my cigarette in my mouth shows how unplanned it was.

‘My sister was at the game, too, and she actually missed it — she was powdering her nose. When she came out. our friends said, “you will never guess what has just happened”, and by that point I was being bundled into a police car.’

Hilarious: The sight of Erika a-bounce, with a young police officer trying to cover her assets with his helmet is the stuff of history

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