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Iggy Azalea must be a very hot cake in the music world now that will make every rapper want to make the music kitchen too hot for her. Few weeks ago after Snoop Dogg lashed out on Iggy calling her albino, ugly… fellow rapper Azealia Banks is on twitter washing the 24-year-old singer for acting Black. 

Banks says Azalea acts as though she is Black, dates a Black boyfriend, yet never stand up for the Black people. 

Banks started by attacking the US government for their seeming racism towards Black Americans especially over their ‘unfair’ judgment in the Ferguson shooting and the killing of Eric Garner by an NYPD officer. Banks says if Iggy must act like a Black sister, she should be ready to go all the way.

For the first time, Iggy gave a very matured response. Continue to see tweets below;

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