All the fun, love and happiness aside, weddings are stressful events that leave you anxious and frustrated at times.

With so much to do in such little time, the happy couple is often under tremendous strain, which leads to a whole lot of arguments and cold feet situations leading up to D-day.

Here are 12 ways in which you and your man can beat the stress.

Plan a visit to the spa: With so much to do before the wedding day, taking a trip sounds next to impossible. The next best thing is going to a spa and pampering yourselves.
At home date: After all the food and desert samplings you might want to just take a breather. Cook up a simple meal and relax with good music and a glass of wine.
Yoga and meditation: Sign up for an early morning or evening yoga class with your partner. Use the one hour to free your mind from the stress and focus on the new life ahead of you.
No wedding talks: Each night, just before you go to sleep, talk with your partner about everything under the sun except for the wedding. You’ll spend the whole day managing the big day anyway, and this nightly breather will help you both de-stress.
Movie date: Movie dates are a great way to sneak in a few hours of stress-busting entertainment. Opt for a genre you both love and enjoy the on-screen action.
Be a tourist: Take a day out and visit all those places in the city that were on your list of must-dos before you get married. Get the camera out, click a zillion selfies and behave like true tourists.
Group dates: Hanging out with other people will help take the focus away from the stress and give you a whole lot of other things to talk about. But make sure you hang out with the right group and not one that just can’t stop talking about your wedding.
Go shopping: Not wedding shopping, but house shopping. Check out those local flea markets to snap some quirky things for your new nest.
Plan your honeymoon: Forget all about hose pending wedding invitees and venue details. Sit down with your fiancĂ©e and chart out what’s on your must-do honeymoon list (including between the sheets action).

Pub crawl: What better way to beat the stress than getting scandalously drunk and being plain silly!
Talk it out: With your families involved things are bound to take a stressful turn. Have a talk with your man and decide on the course of action rather than letting ego games create a clash right before your D-day.

Compromise and let go: While you might have fairytale expectations for your wedding, there are certain things which simply won’t work out. That doesn’t mean you have to let go of your dreams, just find alternatives and stop stressing.

Source: iDiva

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