A woman who ballooned and added 56 pounds as the aftermath of a divorce has shed the pounds - and found new love with her female fitness instructor along the way.

The lady Tina Lessiter, 38, became overweight and unhappy after the breakdown of her seven year marriage in 2006. Her weight climbed to nearly 18st as she fell into habits of eating junk and convenience food as a quick fix to make her feel better.
     Tina Lessiter (right in the photo above) gained four stone after her divorce. But after joining a gym and shedding the weight, she also found love with her fitness instructor Gemma Mullinger (left)

Recalling the first time she met Miss Mullinger, Ms Lessiter said:

 'I really admired the way she carried herself. She stood out, and lit up the room. I thought if I tried really hard, I could one day look as good as she did'

Ms Lessiter was introduced to personal trainer Gemma Mullinger, 26, when she joined a gym for the first time last summer.

After Miss Mullinger helped her lose weight in classes, the pair began a social relationship, fell in love, and are now planning a future together.

Ms Lessiter, a community care worker from Barnstaple, Devon, said: 'If you'd given me a crystal ball a year ago, I still couldn't have predicted how my life would turn out.

'I don't regret a thing - I'm incredibly happy.'

     Having struggled with weight gain since childhood, she decided to seek out a personal trainer after years of unhealthy habits left her lacking in energy and unmotivated.

Ms Lessiter said: 

'I've always been big. I can't remember a time when my weight didn't fluctuate.

'When I split from my husband in 2006, things rather spun out of control. I'd happily eat an extra-large bar of Galaxy chocolate all to myself.'

By June 2013, she weighed 17st 10lbs and wore size 20 clothing.

She said: 'My brother-in-law Sam handed me a leaflet for a local ladies-only gym.

'I reasoned that I'd been sitting around doing nothing for too long - so I decided to take the plunge and give it a go.

'I found being in a room surrounded by so many fit people quite intimidating.

Ms Lessiter began attending the gym six nights a week, and became good friends with Miss Mullinger

Luckily Gemma, who led the classes, was really welcoming.

'I really admired the way she carried herself. She stood out, and lit up the room. I thought that if I tried really hard, I could one day look as good as she did.'

Ms Lessiter began attending the gym up to six nights a week, and found herself bonding ever closer with Miss Mullinger.

She said: 'We both loved food, so Gemma was able to help me make the switch over from the unhealthy, fattening food I was eating to a diet plan, tailored just for me.'

Ms Lessiter said: 'We were also able to bond over our shared experiences with internet dating.

'We didn't realise it at first but we enjoyed each other's company far more than anyone we met on the dating scene.

'I thought of her as a great mate and it hadn't crossed my mind to be with someone of the same sex.

'We went on a night out together as friends and by the end of the evening we were a couple.

'We were both really happy when we realised it was what we both wanted.

'My weight loss is down to healthy eating, natural food and home-made juices, regulated exercise and keeping active.

'I don't watch TV anymore - we prefer to spend time away in our campervan, enjoying the countryside, walking and spending time with our family and friends.

'It's been a wonderful year together and we're stronger than ever and we've talked about getting married one day.'

Ms Lessiter, who now weighs 13st 10lb and can fit into size 14 dresses, is supporting her partner as she launches her own health and fitness business, called Naturally Slim.

Miss Mullinger said: 'I opened the studio at the end of June and since then things have got busier and busier.

I'm passionate about making making people become more health aware and helping them lose weight, but not through fad diets and flimsy, processed low-fat foods.

'I'm really proud of the journey that Tina has been on. I would love her whatever she looked like, but having been through a similar journey myself before I became a personal trainer, I know how tough it can be to make that turnaround.

'I'd never thought of being with another woman until I met Tina, and neither had she, so it took us by surprise.

'We're both amazed at how happy we are together - every day is wonderful.'

She said since meeting Miss Mullinger, she no longer watches TV. 'We prefer to spend time away in our campervan, enjoying the countryside, walking and spending time with our family and friends'

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