The former World War Two bunker was transformed into a $700,000 luxury house and now is on sale.

The former World War Two bunker was transformed into a $700,000 luxury house
The bunker was originally designed to protect people from deadly gas attacks in Bicester, north Oxfordshire, UK.

Home still has original steel-shuttered openings
The property has now been converted into a two-bedroom partially glass fronted home, with open-plan decking and a terrace area.

The open-plan decking area
There is an ‘upside down’ living arrangement, with a large open plan kitchen and living space on the first floor.

Living space is on the first floor of the property
Steel-shuttered openings at the entrance to the bunker, originally intended to allow contaminated clothes to posted back through in case of an emergency, have been retained.

Living space is on the first floor of property

And now anyone who would like to buy it has such a unique possibility to purchase the property for $700,000.

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